What do speeding solicitors do?
We are here to assist anyone accused of a speeding offence whether they have been stopped by the police, received a notice of intended prosecution or Court summons. Initially, we will advise if there is any way of avoiding penalties for the speeding offence. We will also consider what the likely range of penalties may be. For those facing potential disqualification we will advise what can be done to avoid or minimise the penalty.
What makes Motoring Offence Lawyers different from other speeding solicitors?
We are a small niche practice. Due to the fact that our overheads are relatively low, our fees are significantly lower than most of our competitors. However, we do not compromise on experience or expertise. All of our lawyers specialise in motoring law and have done for many years.
How can I speak directly to a speeding solicitor?
You have access to a motoring offence solicitor at any time by calling 0800 4334 678.

Will a speeding solicitor advise about how to avoid Court proceedings for a speeding offence?
We will advise you of the best, most cost efficient way of dealing with your case. However, as a general rule, the only way of avoiding penalty points without going to Court is by attending a speed awareness course if it is made available.
What do speeding solicitors charge?
We offer an initial appraisal of your speeding case based on the paperwork you have received completely free of charge. We will discuss what options are open to you and the cost of representation depending on the best way of progressing the case. Representation on the basis of a guilty plea at the first hearing of your case starts at £500 + VAT but will depend on the complexity of the case.
Will my speeding solicitor represent me in court?
If representation is required this can be arranged. Depending on the location of the case, you will be represented by a solicitor from our office or a barrister local to the Court.