If you find yourself being stopped by the police and you are likely to be charged for drink driving then it can be a very stressful and anxious time for yourself and your family. The ramifications of being charged can be serious. You could be fined and given a criminal record or you might face… Read more »
Drink driving charges – 6 key questions answered
Drink driving laws and how they could affect you if you are to be charged for the offence of being over the limit while driving can be complex. Here are 6 commonly-asked questions answered on the subject. Q – What is the legal limit alcohol limit for drivers? A – The legal limits for alcohol… Read more »
Drink driving charges and your defence – 5 key issues
Being accused of drink driving and facing legal proceedings to that effect can be very stressful indeed for individuals and for their families. We at Kenway Miller Solicitors have some of the most experienced drink driving lawyers in England on our team and we can support you through what can be an extremely testing process…. Read more »
What to expect when going to Court on a drink driving charge
Going to Court on a drink driving charge Many people charged with drink driving, drunk in charge of a vehicle or failing to provide specimen for analysis are people of good character who have never been in trouble with the law before. Consequently, they may be unfamiliar of what is involved in the process of… Read more »
Drink Driving Lawyers partnership with Addictions Treatment Service Red Chair
A Manchester based firm of solicitors is going the extra mile to help potential alcoholics into recovery. Matthew Miller is the owner of Motoring Offence Lawyers and he is assisted by Hilary Kenway. They are both committed to helping clients into recovery at a point of legal crisis. Over the past five years the solicitors… Read more »