Within the current parliament, the Government is introducing a new offence of driving with a controlled drug in the body. It has published an independent report detailing recommendations as to the limits that are to be set for each drug the report can be viewed by clicking https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/driving-under-the-influence-of-drugs–2. To view the Transport Ministers statement about the proposals click https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/driving-under-the-influence-of-drugs–2. To view the Transport Ministers statement about the proposals click https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/road-safety–2
The current offence of driving whilst under the influence of drugs will remain on the statute book. This offence requires proof that driving was impaired by drugs. However, the new offence will mark a new approach as it will introduce limits as to the amount of each substance that a driver can have in their body. This means that if a driver has more than a specific amount of a drug in their system they will be charged with an offence and be subject to a mandatory disqualification even if there is no evidence of their driving being impaired.
Please call 0800 4334 678 and speak to one of our experienced drug driving solicitors for advice about any alleged offence of driving whilst unfit under the influence of drugs.