Being prosecuted for a motoring offence may be stressful and we understand the need for legal advice to be provided as quickly as possible. At Kenway Miller Solicitors, we will always provide legal advice over the phone free of charge initially and on a no obligation basis. Call 0800 4334 678 for immediate advice.
When we receive enquiries from people facing potential prosecution for offences such as speeding and careless driving (amongst others) we always ask to see any papers they have been provided, such as the notice of intended prosecution, court summons or charge sheet, before giving full motoring offence free legal advice over the phone or by e-mail.

Why do we ask you to let us have sight of papers in order to give you the advice you need?
It saves you the time from having to tell us what is on it before we advise you.
We need to review every aspect of the paperwork in order to explain your options to you details that may seem insignificant to the untrained eye may be the difference between winning and losing a case, avoiding penalty points and a disqualification from driving. You wouldn’t ask a doctor to diagnose you before examining you first!
It is also useful for us to be able review your counterpart (paper) driving licence because then we will be aware of the vulnerability of your situation which regards to your driving licence. However, this is not essential.
So, if you are anxious to understand the consequences of any papers you have received please use one of the following methods to send them to us
FAX to 0844 251 1232
e-mail:[email protected]
POST to Kenway Miller Solicitors, PO Box 822, Altrincham, WA15 8HE
Please always include your contact details and a preferred time for a phone call.